Just playing with macro and smoke. but i think the background wasn't cool enough to match it with the subject (the cigarette). i've tried to match white and green. and this is the result..

Camera model: Olympus FE 210,X775
Tech: Macro
Place: Gadek, Alor Gajah, Melaka
Time/Date: 3.44pm 18 October 2007

using my sister cloth to create a lausy scene ;p

Camera model: Olympus FE 210,X775
Tech: Macro
Place: Gadek, Alor Gajah, Melaka
Time/Date: 3.44pm 18 October 2007


visit Sekaki :)

This is the map to Bukit Indah, located near Mutiara Rini, Nusa Bestari and Taman Perling (Johore, Malaysia), where i capture the following scene..

I really like to sit in here. terutamanya ketika cloudy. best~! sebab redup je suasana sini :)

Kat atas bukit tu, leh nampak sales office untuk Bukit Indah..

It's really fun to see those kids playing here. hopefully, i could also brings my kid here oneday ;)

The sunset trapped inside the tree. haha~!

The same sunset.. but now, dah ada kat atas pokok lak..

Too bad.. my camera wasn't good enough. just using 'buil-in' camera from my mobile phone. but i still put my faith in sony ericsson in terms of 'camera + mobile phone'..

Camera model: Sony Ericsson K510i
Place: Bukit Indah, Johore, Malaysia
Time/Date: 6.33pm - 6.43pm 1 July 2007

Pointed Mum

This is my first picture using Macro technique. using finger pointing to my mum..

Camera model: Olympus FE 210,X775
Tech: Macro
Place: Gadek, Alor Gajah, Melaka
Time/Date: 7.15pm 15 October 2007

Ni adalah gambar latehan dengan menggunakan kamera adek aku. hehehe...

ف wildchild ۞

Universal Declaration of Human Rights : 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. more...



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